High Starch Vegetables List


High Starch Vegetables List

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A List of Starchy Vegetables and Tips for Enjoying Them

List of Starchy Vegetables Beets (1 cup). Carrots (1 cup). Corn (1/2 cup or 1 medium cob). Green Peas (1/2 cup). Parsnips (1/2 cup). Plantain (1/2 cup). Pumpkin (1 cup). Sweet Potatoes (1/2 cup). Taro (1/2 cup). White Potatoes (1 small or 1/2 cup mashed, 1/2 cup roasted or 10 to 15 French … Read more…

Starchy vs Non-Starchy Vegetables: Food Lists and …

Non-Starchy Vegetables Artichokes. Asparagus. Bean sprouts. Brussels sprouts. Broccoli. Cabbage. Cauliflower. Celery. Cucumber. Eggplant (also known as aubergine). Mushrooms. Onions. Peppers (also known as capsicum). Salad greens. Spinach. Tomato. Turnips. Zucchini (also known as … Read more…

A List of Starchy Vegetables and Foods | Livestrong.com

Starchy Vegetables and Fruits. Potatoes, corn, parsnips, pumpkin, squash, yams and sweet potatoes are starchy vegetables. One-half cup of corn, 1/4 of a large baked potato, 1 cup of pumpkin or squash constitute a serving of starchy vegetables, according to the American Diabetes Association's food exchange list. Read more…
